If you are like us at Wadayathinkothis, you will frequently be looking at news stories, particularly about government and trying to figure out what is going...
Building a new house?, Buyer Beware !
Few issues create such divisive response from the Australian population than the "Australia Day Debate", Wadayathinkothis ?
For those who hold their tongues, be careful, the sharp crack of a pistol shot could ring loudly in your ears
Great video by TheJuiceMedia shines a satirical light on a very serious situation where it appears the Australian Government may at very least have some questions...
Australian Parliament Question time is costing tax payers more than $13000 per hour, Wadayathinkothis ?
ABC Insiders have produced a funny parody on Britain's Brexit situation, Called Brex-IT, wadayathink of the video ?
UNESCO may be missing an opportunity to take on Google and Facebook in the Advertising Space...
This fella must of thought a creature from the deep was coming to get him